
Life on the Edge

A green peace

As one walks into the Peace Garden there is a sign that explains to the public various aspects of the sculptural elements around the pond. The top of the sign reads thus:Peace Garden sign

The third “peace” is concerned with how we humans interact and make a sustainable connection with the natural world around us. This could be called the “green peace”.

It was appropriate, therefore, that this weekend a small group of Greenpeace people spent time here at Windgrove as a sort of R&R retreat.

greenpeace 1How even more appropriate were Alanna and Kim reclining like temple guardians at the entrance to the “womb of the earth” and plant spiral totem of the garden. This area symbolises the future and these young people are the future.

And, wasn’t it encouraging for me to see that there are passionate, informed and committed young people willing and able to dedicate their present lives to defending the earth and informing the public of the work of Greenpeace.

Hearing their stories of being “front line” activists on city streets raising money and signing up memberships for Greenpeace, one realises that it takes a steady courage to face a not always generous or sympathetic populace.

My heart goes out to them. May they continue to dance and see the deep underlying goodness and joy that lies within all of us.

It was a pleasure being in their company.


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