It’s two days past Christmas, around 7:30 AM and I have been sitting in the chair at the top left of the photo drinking my morning wake up coffee, reading a little and also looking out the French doors into the backyard wondering what sort of day this day will be. Already I have seen the forest ravin take a chunk of stale bread I earlier threw out onto the grass and go hide it next to a wooden post; even covered it with grass.
Will this be a Leonardo da Vinci sort of day? Full of vibrant energy where the morning is spent doing a brilliant sculpture and in the afternoon designing and building a “sensitive to place” addition to the painting studio?
Maybe not. Not every day has to be a Leonardo da Vinci whirlwind of studious activity and discovery. Lowering one’s expectations can actually be quite refreshing to one’s body and spirit.
Even the ocean has rest days.
One day the waves are tumultuous and powerful as they stride forcefully onward.
On another day there is rarely a ripple; the water transparent enough to see clear to the sandy bottom. A light fog also drifts in over the top of a distant hill and just sits quietly there for most of the day; doing nothing, I suppose, but dozing on and off the way certain fog banks do.
These are the sorts of days that allow my mind to remain quiet enough during the day so that in the evening my mind is refreshed and focused enough to, perhaps, win a computer match of chess.
And because I know it might not happen for another three months or longer, how delicious it is to savor that one zen moment of perfect peace …… and bring every little pawn down to the opposing side of the chess board to become seven powerful queens and slowly tighten the noose for an exquisite, if rare, capture of the black king.
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