
Life on the Edge

An artist’s take on Intelligent Design

Face Book comment: “to me, the intelligent design of the universe points to a higher power”

My reply: “If a human being could travel back in time some 600 million years and stand on the shoreline of the distant past, they would see nothing alive on land — not even the few microbes of green that started to emerge during the Silurian Period 150 million years later. Would that human think there was an intelligent designer out there? Surely not. We humans on earth have slowly, over 4.6 billion years, mutation after mutation, evolved out of galactic star dust. The awesomeness of this is what is sacred; no higher power, no god needed.”

The implication behind an intelligent designer is that consciousness — or a “higher power” — came first and matter second. There is a fatal flaw in that arrangement.

One thing I know: when you shift out of your rational objectifying “left hemisphere” mind, you can see the fabric of the earth through your mythic “right hemisphere”, informed by the feeling of your heart: you can experience beauty and intelligence in the tiniest of flowers and the hugest of mountains.

Charlotte Du Cann

Hidden within the Du Cann quote is the notion of the intrinsic co-existence of duality within all life. Left/right, yin/yang, spirit/matter. There is a “consciousness” that resides intimately within every cell. Simultaneously, there is a physical presence behind every act of consciousness. It is this arrangement of spirit/matter that has evolved as one. We cannot divorce spirit from matter and vice versa. As chaotic as life might be, they are as one from the beginning of time.

In other words, go back to that distant shoreline 600 million years and look out at the sea teeming with life about to squirm its way to landfall. What you are witnessing is the evolution of Spirited Matter.

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