
Life on the Edge

Apple pie

There are times when one has to stop writing letters to the editor about the deteriorating condition of the world and take the time to savor the bounty of what is still beautiful and available to all of us.

apple pie two

On the dining room table surrounded by twelve chairs can be seen two apple pies fresh baked this morning and cooling in their blue ceramic dishes.

Soon the Roaring Beach kids and other disciples of fine food will begin drolling by for a taste.

My original intention was to show my community the recently finished ‘Generational Flow; an altar’ before it went on exhibition in Hobart. But like any good opening, there has to be an ulterior enticement.

Shunning the normal cheap wine and cheese, the baker at Windgrove wants to tempt the neighbors in with the remembered aroma of grandma’s pies drifting through the house. And when these two are eaten, there are enough apples for more pies.

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