
Life on the Edge

Feast for whom?

I was so looking forward to picking the peppers off the thickly leafed potted pepper plant that I had been watering and caring for for the past several months.

pepper 1

They were growing in the protective atrium which is attached to the dining room. Just last week I took the above photo of the ripening peppers thinking I would write a journal entry about their vibrant, luscious look.

pepper 3Alas, yesterday evening I forgot to close the windows to the atrium and, just after darkness came, two possums crept in and had the audacity to enjoy themselves to a feast at my expense. If it hadn’t of been for them loudly squabbling over who got to eat what and alerting people in the house to their presence, they might have demolished, not just the pepper plant, but also the three tomato plants, the Chinese mint, the lime tree and two lemon trees.

The cacti I think they would have left alone.

One brief moment of inattentiveness and tomorrow’s Mexican feast gets postponed until the next crop of peppers come along.

The little buggers. I don’t wish the possums any harm, but a bit of heart burn or upset stomach might put them off from tampering with the kitchen goods.

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