
Life on the Edge

It’s all just fine and perfect

rainbow_at_KelpiesIt never ceases to amaze me when I think about rainbows. They’ll only ever happen when there is both sun and rain. Such a great analogy for understanding how one’s life is most magical only when it has both sunny days and stormy days.

People who prefer to have the nightly weather forecast read “Fine and sunny for tomorrow and for the rest of the week” just haven’t a clue to the importance of a bit of turbulence. And, I bet their lives remain, for the most part, passionless.

geoff_lee_RoaringThe term “fine and perfect” when describing the weather should actually mean “a bit of sun, a bit of rain, a bit of wind, a bit of heat, even a bit of hail thrown in for good measure”.

Come to think of it, this is exactly how the weather has been around here this past week; therefore, fine and perfect.

(And speaking of the passion of weather, my girlfriend arrives next week from Melbourne. We get along just fine and perfect.)

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