
Life on the Edge

Keep breathing

The shiny, reflective, inner beauty of the Split Rock only came about after the whole was broken open.

split rock electionYour heart is now thus. The pain of the American and Australian elections can lead us to a deeper wisdom, a deeper compassion, a deeper love for all of life. These winds that seem endless and, at times, all too tiring, are polishing are character. Let them serve this purpose.

This week half of America is licking their wounds.

Well, keep licking. Like any animal that has been hurt, bruised and battled scared, now might be the time to retreat softly into the protective custody of friendly surrounds. Take time to be kind to yourself.

Just remember that half of America still believes as you do. And, I would guess, most of Europe. You are not alone.

Yes, keep licking. Try ice cream. The dew off a leaf. Your lover.

Do not forget the sensual beauty of this world.

Do not forget the delicious flavours this earth gives away freely each day. Indulge in them. Take time to immerse yourself in the joys that are found in the woods, the sea shore, the valleys and the mountains.

And after your licked wounds have healed, come back into the ring again and stand tall for the earth, for social justice, for peace.

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