
Life on the Edge

Legitimate anger?

All week I have pondered the question of where anger fits into the peace process, if at all.

Last Saturday, the day before I set off to attend the Styx protest march, I received the following email concerning my blog of July 10:

When I read the bit where you launched into judgement of “men in grey suits with double chins”, I felt you contract. Are you sure you want to give up your peace in this way? Our brothers, whatever they are up to, need our LOVE, always. That is what heals.

Peace Fire-July 2003

It is hard to know sometimes whether my responses are written out of defense or wisdom, but today, while tending to the Peace Fire, it occurred to me that the name “Peace Fire” was made up of two, possibly opposing words: peace and fire.

Somewhere in all this, fire or anger has a roll to play in fueling protest in order to create a sustainable world of peaceful coexistence between all living beings. Healthy anger (not violence) surfaces when one’s deep love for someone or something is called upon to defend them.

Yes, everyone needs our love, but I don’t want to just float along on light. For me, all of “life” depends upon contraction and expansion to survive (think of the heart). “Contracting”, therefore, as long as it is only half my existence is welcome.

It might be said that a rainbow is the result of light (love) shining on the storm (anger). True, but not the whole truth. What I say, is that both love and anger are equal partners in the making of the rainbow; one without the other and it is a non event.

Appropriate anger, when used in conjunction with love, can create miracles.

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