
Life on the Edge

Mameen, trees and two hands

I look out through the window of the local fish shop and ponder what 2012 might bring and what New Year’s resolution I might make.

Standing there, lines from David Whyte’s poem “Mameen” come to mind:

Remember the way you are all possibilities

you can see and how you live best

as an appreciator of horizons,

whether you reach them or not.

Admit that once you have got up

from your chair and opened the door,

once you have walked out into the clean air

toward that edge and taken the path up high

beyond the ordinary, you have become

the privileged and the pilgrim,

the one who will tell the story

and the one, coming back

from the mountain,

who helped to make it.

Back home I put hands together and pray for guidance. A simple gesture whose physicality unlocks one’s heart and opens it to suggestion.

The notion of Abundance comes flowing in. Not an abundance of material possessions. Rather, an abundance of joy, of beauty and love, of creative thought and action.

It is one thing to pray for abundance, but in the long commitment to this New Year’s resolution, will I really hold to the notion that I am worthy of such abundance?

Through prayerful hands I look to the trees for guidance. In the manner of the their “cupped” opening to the sky, they urge me to open my folded hands and fearful heart… and accept. Just accept.

And even as I accept the vast wealth of riches available to me, I simultaneously accept my infinitesimal place in the universe and that I “in particular, live a hairsbreadth from losing everyone I hold dear.”

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