A medical scientist recently gave credence to the notion that older people can be as smart and still capable of learning as those younger than them. He stated that even though an older person’s brain loses millions of neurons through the ageing process, it more than makes up for this by using life’s experiences to create synapses. In other words, it’s all about networking.
For the last couple of months I have been slowly, ever so slowly, learning the very slow First Gymnopedie for piano by Erik Satie. On the cover of the edition I am using, there is Joan Miro’s painting “Ciphers and Constellations in Love with a Woman”. Looking at it this morning, it reminded me, not only of Orion, Cassiopeia, Ursa Major, etc., but also what the good doctor said about gaining connections as one got older.
My fingers may be getting stiffer and unable to fluidly follow the dotted musical notes, but I think my imagination is finally beginning to loosen up and is getting good at connecting up the many dots in life found here, there and everywhere.
And, this afternoon, a confirmation of sorts came in the form of a natural Miro when a heavy gust of wind blew down onto the picnic table countless thousands of filaments from the blossoming silver peppermint eucalyptus trees.
Are you old enough to see the connection?
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