
Life on the Edge


Reflections #One

split_R_and_reflThe reflected image of the Peace Spiral on the pond this morning as it seemingly caressed the Split Rock made me think of:

…those tiny events in our lives that have no firm basis, no longevity, yet are capable of filling our whole day with a solid sense of beauty or wonder.

The multi faceted dancing spiral in the water disappeared within minutes, but in the moment I caught its form, it shot me up with enough joy to last through the morning and into the afternoon. I carried this image with me longer than I would have carried an image of the “real” spiral. Reflections of this sort have an element of magic within them that casts their own spell.

Reflections #Two

lou_morrisHere is a photo of the current Windgrove Resident, Louise Morrison. It’s somewhat out of focus image conveys a hint of the reflective quality she is in as she uses her time here to collate into a visual diary her year in countryside Japan as an apprentice potter. She rereads an entry of four years ago and is transported back to the ever changing mountains, the balanced presentation of the exquisitely prepared food and the temple like quality of her existence among humble Buddhist potters living close to the land.

Is this a “true” reflection of what actually happened?

Does it matter? Isn’t it enough that Louise is transported into a realm that is as real as she wants to make it?

For me, the hard reality is that, like all visitors, like the spiral reflection, like the flying rainbow of a hummingbird zipping into my life for a brief second before zipping off to who knows where, Louise will be soon gone.

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