
Life on the Edge


spiral_lifeI can’t begin to tell you, dear reader, how much satisfaction I receive out of the sensate quality of nature. Every time I split open a long bean pod and find within an encased row of beautifully packaged beans all nestled together, I marvel at the wonder of it all.

Nor, can I begin to tell you how much satisfaction I receive out of trying to mimic, through my carving, these sensual, organic forms of nature. Today, when the seed like spiral myrtle wood was snugly eased into the enveloping fruity womb of the huon pine, it was a magic moment.

Measuring in length only 750 mm or 31 inches, it is not a large piece. But the sensual nature that exudes from the freshly oiled “skins” of these, rather intentional, organic beings, commands attention. Though small, they entice with an allure that can be overwhelming.

spiral_still_life_1Rather than feeling elated by the birth of a creative idea taking final shape, the elation comes from a sense that here is a consummation of a marriage between two birthed forms. They do fit together like peas in a pod. And I’m happy.

However, this piece is only half finished. The next (somewhat courageous) step is to take the huon pine base and place it outdoors and let the wind, rain and sun do their thing for a year or more. The unblemished quality of today’s piece will age substantially in the next few months. That smooth “skin” will crack, will become blemished and will “age” a weathered grey.

As with my own life and as a matter of principle, I will refuse to “botox” away the cracks, exfoliate the blemishes or bleach out the greying process of life.

spiral_still_lifeNext year at this time this sculpture, with its patina of “elderness”, will be even more beautiful than it is today.

Eros does not only shine through the eyes of the young. Firmness of character and perky maturity does wonders for love.

Now, if I can only figure out a way to keep the possums from chewing on the wood.

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