
Life on the Edge

The Buddha and the Car

P1000480Both are recent additions to the landscape at Windgrove and each in their own way, whether static or mobile, provides a service.

The Buddha was purchased because I am creating a secluded zen garden for meditative bathing just behind the house where the present outdoor bathtub is located. Yes, just using plants and stones could do the trick, but as an artist, I appreciate the power of iconic symbols to enhance and move the spirit as well as being an informant or visual representation of the state of mind desired when seeking solitude, inspiration or a quieting of the too quickening mind.

One doesn’t have to be of any religious persuasion to feel the calm and serenity emanating from the Buddha. Complement this with natural surrounds and there is a doubling of the effect.


The Subaru was purchased because I wanted to arrive in Hobart less physically hammered out than when I drove the 1987 Nissan truck.

Being an “all wheel drive” I can still use it to get around the property as seen in the photo. Of special interest is that situated behind the Subaru are trees and shrubs planted on a barren hill side 17 years ago. In the foreground are banksia and kunzia, while behind them are the taller she-oaks.

Like the soft maroon wine colour of the kankaroo paws held in Buddha’s vase, the colour of my new car was deliberately chosen to reflect my wanting to wear my emotions on “my sleeve” so to speak; to be more public with what I am honestly feeling and not suppressing whatever it is I might want to say. Rich and passionate and representative of the heart, it’s a great colour in which to be wrapped up.

Trip to Bhutan May 2008As a postscript to today’s journal entry, there are two more photos. Taken in Stuggart, Germany while I was there in June, the first photo tells the story of my friend Bine Braun whose job is to photograph just completed re-finished older Porsches. Some Saudi prince owns this Porsche and 999 others. It was completely stripped back and “cleaned up” for the neat price of US$250,000. Somehow, I feel the photo of my Subaru is a little more elegant. Yes?

P1000053And this lichen? It grows on the very front of my truck just between the windscreen and side door. I know that lichen are considered extremophiles, but the tenacity of this one deserves a reward. I suppose it also shows what can grow if one never washes their vehicle in 15 years of ownership.

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