Solstice dawn at the Peace Garden and I’m standing on frosty ground about to begin my first time-lapse video. Nothing like a new challenge.
Over an hour and a half I press the shutter button every 15 or so seconds only to find out later this could have been done automatically. I also inadvertently leave the auto bracket switch on and during editing have to delete 2/3’s of the photos (hence, the bumpy video posted below).
As I said, “Nothing like a new challenge”.
Luckily, my web master has tremendous patience and over the next few days works with my techno inabilities and a slow upload satellite internet speed so that this blog “Life on the Edge” can begin a new era of posting the occasional video.
Besides the crisp beauty of the early morning landscape so easily evident on this most propitious of days, what really caught my eye was the sunlight coming through the polished Split Rock and the resultant “split” shadow cast across the pond water.
This double shadow only happens around the winter solstice when the slit in the rock is perfectly lined up with the rising sun. Sort of Stonehenge magic as it points to and grabs hold of the reflection of the Peace Pole spiraling down into the water.
So, dear reader, take 51 seconds of your time and view the Windgrove Winter Solstice dawn.
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